Since we were little we have
been taught from our parents that we cannot talk to strangers, instilling this
fear that everyone is evil. But in reality they make up our world around
us, they are unavoidable. When walking on a busy street, sitting on a
bus, or sitting on a subway, it impossible not to see an unfamiliar face. People say they don't
trust anyone because the closest people in their lives have hurt them, yet we put
trust in strangers on a constant basis. The decisions we make every day deal with
a random person we have to face: As we get into a car, whether we are the driver or the passenger, we give trust to go where ever we need to be, automatically having faith another person won't crash into us; As
we ride on the Subway we believe we will make it to the next stop without being
harmed. Humanity isn't as broken as the news perceives it. The government wants
us to live in fear of other people instead of embracing the good
together. Constantly they instill dreadful memories from the past making
sure it will be taught in school and never forgotten to keep the fear alive. If
the news stopped promoting destruction and instead showed what good people were
doing for their communities would there be as much hate in the world as there is today?
Sick people kill and harm others because they crave attention for the media and
they get their type of “fame”. We should train the government like we train our
dogs—positive reinforcement works.